making sure your septic system is working properly

The cost of replacing a septic system can exceed $20,000. We ensure your system runs seamlessly, allowing you to invest in the things you truly desire – and a new septic tank is definitely not on that list!


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We focus on educating our customers on how septic tanks work and why it is important to regularly maintain your septic system.

a green hose is being used to pump water out of a septic tank.

septic tank pumping

Pumping a septic tank is crucial for the optimal functioning of your home's septic system. Timely septic tank pumping, regular maintenance, and proper cleaning are all proactive measures to avert potential issues. The systematic emptying of the septic tank, a vital aspect of routine maintenance, effectively eliminates accumulated waste, providing valuable insights to septic system technicians regarding any existing problems.


    Septic tank system failure can result in substantial financial burdens for the homeowner. A malfunctioning septic pump directly impacts the tank's integrity, leading to the potential seepage of materials into the soil or overflow, thereby causing obstructions in sewer lines and drains. The cascading effect of these issues can result in significant water damage within residential or commercial structures.

    Consistently emptying the septic tank is a protective measure, safeguarding the property against the looming threat of overflow. This preventive practice contributes to the unobstructed flow of sinks, pipes, and toilets, minimizing the risk of clogging and backflow.


    Furthermore, it enhances the overall efficiency of the drain field. The regularity of tank pumping proves essential in mitigating bio-solids formation within septic tanks, ensuring their removal and proper disposal. Consequently, this process improves the efficiency of wastewater treatment and elevates the quality of water output.


    The septic tank's scheduled pumping extends its service life, promoting seamless operation and preventing premature malfunction. Despite the upfront costs associated with septic tank pumping, cleaning, and maintenance, the long-term benefits manifest in reduced expenditures linked to repairs or tank replacement. The recommended frequency of septic tank pumping varies depending on usage, tank size, and property specifics, with a typical range of every three to five years.



Living in a residence equipped with a septic tank, the last thing you'd want is an episode reminiscent of the overflow chaos depicted in the film "Meet the Parents." This unforgettable spectacle is a stark reminder of the critical significance of septic tank maintenance. The sustained health of both your septic system and your family hinges on regular, proactive maintenance.



    Like other household systems subject to frequent daily use, your septic system demands consistent care for optimal functionality. Adopting a proactive maintenance approach rather than a reactive one proves to be the most effective strategy. This proactive stance aids in the early identification of potential issues before they escalate into more substantial, costly problems. It also ensures your system's continuous, efficient operation throughout the year.

    An efficient septic tank system necessitates less overall maintenance and encounters fewer if any, repairs. This proactive approach helps you sidestep the additional expenses and headaches associated with unexpected problems that could render your entire system inoperative for days or weeks. Implementing a proactive and routine maintenance regimen now results in decreased daily operating costs and long-term savings on repair expenses.


    A well-maintained septic system should effortlessly pass the "smell test." When your septic system functions optimally, any odors emanating from the system should be minimal and inconspicuous.

    While certain factors like seasonal changes, temperature fluctuations, and varying rainfall levels may occasionally contribute to a more noticeable odor, your system should generally not produce a foul smell for prolonged periods. The persistence of a strong odor typically indicates an underlying issue, such as a clogged or damaged pipe, necessitating prompt attention.

    An adequately maintained septic tank system, complemented by regular inspections, significantly lowers the risks associated with overflow, ground contamination, and system backups or failures.


    A poorly maintained system increases the likelihood of encountering overflow, ground contamination, and system backups or failures. Those who have experienced a malfunctioning septic tank can attest that it is neither a pleasant sight nor a pleasant smell. These problems can create hazardous conditions for residents, pets, and anyone near the property.

    An overloaded or clogged septic tank has the potential to release untreated wastewater onto your property, posing a hazardous condition in your yard and the surrounding area. This toxic wastewater may infiltrate wells and groundwater, presenting a severe health risk to individuals who come into contact with the contaminated water.

a blue filter is being returned to a septic tank after being cleaned.
two septic tanks with green lids are sitting in the dirt.

excavation & installation

The process of installing a septic tank involves several key steps. Firstly, the tank is placed in the ground, requiring the excavation of a hole to accommodate its size. Subsequently, the main sewer line is connected to the tank outlet, and a combination of concrete and other materials is poured into the hole.

After pumping and compacting the soil to identify the septic zone, the tank is positioned within the soil. Once the concrete mixture sets, an excavator machine breaks up any remaining dirt or debris, using a tumbler pump to force water into the area.

Ensuring the longevity and functionality of your septic system demands regular cleaning and maintenance. Neglecting this essential upkeep can lead to significant problems, incurring substantial repair costs.


    Prevention is critical, and one effective measure is to conduct a thorough inspection of the tank before installation, as overlooking this step could result in the entire system rupturing, necessitating costly repairs. A damaged tank may also indicate subsidence in the surrounding soil, causing drainage issues.

    Before septic tank installation, gathering all necessary equipment, such as backhoes, excavators, skid-steers, and dump trucks, is crucial. Adequate personnel, including plumbers, electricians, and landscapers, are essential for completing various tasks. Additionally, asphalt, soil, gravel, or other substances must be transported to the site. While excavation is typically undertaken independently, additional help can be hired.

    Securing permits from the local government is a prerequisite before initiating the installation process. Seeking permission for property excavation ensures compliance with safety standards and regulations, preventing potential hazards. Before excavation, consulting with the local governing body is imperative, particularly for installations involving underground systems and surface septic tanks.

    An integral component of proper septic tank installation is using the correct septic system infiltrator. This sizable machine plays a crucial role in breaking down solid waste into smaller pieces suitable for transport into the septic tanks. Ensuring the infiltrator's appropriate size is vital for the seamless operation of the system. Verifying legal requirements regarding size and type from the local government is imperative before proceeding with installing a septic tank.

a man wearing a hard hat is standing with his arms crossed.

Residential owners no longer need to hire multiple companies to handle septic tank problems. Call AdeptSeptic Services, and you will have everything you need to take care of minor and significant septic tank issues on your residential property in Hastings, MI and the surrounding areas.

We are a member of the National Association of Wastewater Technicians (NAWT), the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA), and the Michigan Environmental Health Association (MEHA).

Expert tips

Visitor our blog for tips to help you keep your house in top shape.

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